Zurich Graphomotor Test

In educational settings, children are under pressure to finish their work successfully within required time frames. Existing tools for assessing graphomotor skills measure either quality or speed of performance, but the speed–accuracy trade-off (SAT) in such tools has never been investigated. With the Zurich Graphomotor Test (ZGT) we present a tool for measuring graphomotor skills, that assesses both speed and quality of performance.

ZGT shows a marked developmental trend in graphomotor performance; older children were faster than younger children. Girls showed higher overall performance than boys. The pattern of making more mistakes when being faster and making fewer mistakes when being slower indicated that any graphomotor test for children and adolescents should include both. The ZGT captures this trade-off by combining accuracy and speed measurements into one score, that provides a realistic assessment of graphomotor skills.

ZGT Guidelines 

ZGT Examination Sheet A 4-5;11 years

ZGT Examination Sheet B 6-18 years

For the evaluation of your examination sheet we refer to www.znm2019.ch. To use the program you have to register first and then use the program for free.

Interested in detailed information on this topic? Read a scientific article here that a team of authors from the Department of Developmental Paediatrics/University Children’s Hospital Zurich (including Elisa Knaier, Tanja Kakebeeke, Oskar Jenni) published about the ZGT in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (October 2022).

The Zurich Graphomotor Test AOJT 10/22